Jul 28, 2020
If you’ve ever considered getting into the podcast game, here’s the first thing you should know:
The “magical Internet money” isn’t going to fall into your lap. Podcasting is a grind, and there’s no one who understands the good old-fashioned grind better than powerlifter turned podcaster, Jeremy Slate.
Jul 21, 2020
In the world as it is today you may be feeling fear and confusion around what to say and do to support the Black Lives Matter Movement. You or people you know may have been “called out” or corrected and that can feel uncomfortable or embarrassing. It’s okay to be uncomfortable. Uncomfortable is GOOD. In this...
Jul 14, 2020
If you feel like you are A-okay in the mind chatter game, have a listen. Whether you are aware of it or not, we all have negative thoughts, and they’re affecting our daily lives and businesses. Maharati Ishaya joins me on this episode to talk about how you can wake up the version of yourself that you’re meant to be....
Jul 7, 2020
One thing that 2020 has taught us is when big things are thrown at us, it’s important to keep pivoting, creating, and finding solutions that not only solve people’s problems, but allow your business to thrive. Fallon Carter is what I like to call a solution Ninja, and on this episode she’s sharing all the ways she...