Oct 27, 2020
Cultivating a high vibration in your home full of love, joy, gratitude, freedom, wealth, and abundance is the key to manifesting everything you’re chasing in this life. Your environment plays a huge role in your health and mindset, as much as we like to think a sink full of dishes isn’t affecting our mood.
Oct 22, 2020
“I’m always so stressed about getting all the “must haves” at a wedding that I don’t have the brain space to be creative and try new things!” –– Can you relate?!
It’s time to get out of your head and into your heart. In this special Hot Seats episode, I’m coaching Emily of Anna Delores Photography on...
Oct 20, 2020
Call me crazy, but back in 2018 when I got the keys to my 100 year old home and walked over the threshold, I immediately felt that something was off. Come to find out, my intuition was right, and my house was haunted by several ghosts. In this episode, I’m telling ghost stories and sharing what I’ve learned from...
Oct 15, 2020
When you think of who your business is serving, do you think of an individual person or a few different types of people? If the answer is a few, there’s a chance you haven’t niched down enough. When you’re trying to serve everyone, then you’re speaking to no one. It’s time to refine in order to truly...
Oct 13, 2020
I recently polled my Instagram audience about why they find selling hard--maybe you’ll relate to some of their answers:
“I’m afraid my dream client will turn down my offer.”
“I don’t know the right words to say to express my worth. And worse than that, what if they laugh or act offended when they hear...