Jun 22, 2021
The title of this podcast “Play It Brave” couldn’t be more fitting today as I share my insights on how most of us are giving away our power to others, how to stop this vicious cycle, and what amazing life we can create when we’re in a place of empowerment. (hint: it involves more money & freedom) If you...
Jun 8, 2021
As Europe begins to open its doors again, it may be a little while longer until you’re back in France, grabbing a warm baguette on your way to enjoy a leisurely stroll along the Seine. And that’s okay! This episode isn’t to be missed–no matter when you’re headed back across the Atlantic, Yanique Frances and I...
Jun 1, 2021
If you’ve been putting off creating passive income for yourself, this episode is for YOU! Get the ultimate kick in the butt and tips for launching your passive income streams from the passive income expert, Lisa Johnson who has been featured in Forbes, The Guardian, and other international publications for...