Aug 24, 2021
If you’re into learning about Enneagrams, Archetypes, Myers Briggs, or other modes of identifying your personality, this episode is for you! Knowing your Spirit Animal is just another modality to getting to know yourself better, and my friend Fox is my go-to girl. She paired her intuition with her background in...
Aug 10, 2021
Have you ever craved time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Maybe you’re looking for ways to connect in deeper ways with your family or your creativity… This conversation with my friend Jaime Fenwick is filled with endless ideas of how you can tap into the art of slow living, whether it be a total...
Aug 3, 2021
Do you find yourself often in a place of guilt, shame, fear or anxiety? Maybe you suffer from perfectionism? In this episode I dive into all the ways that you can move out of that space and into one of abundance and love. It’s time to harness your thoughts and beliefs so that you can live the most beautiful life that...