Jan 26, 2023
Learn the ins and outs of breaking into the luxury wedding photography market with Rebecca Yale and I. We cover the crucial role of practice and pricing strategies for success. Tune in now!
Meet Rebecca Yale:
Rebecca is a world renowned, brilliant photographer and educator based in California. She has been named one of...
Jan 19, 2023
On this episode of the Play it Brave Podcast, I'm diving in to the practices I use to nuture myself when I am feeling disconnected, drained, and unloved. I'm talking about how to use nature as a tool to create healing in our lives. Hit Play!
SHOW NOTES: https://darcybenincosa.com/play-it-brave/how-to-heal-with-nature
Jan 12, 2023
On this week’s episode of the Play It Brave Podcast, I’m letting you in on one of my favorite lessons in money. I’m giving you a step by step guide on how to create a space to let money in. Hit Play!
SHOW NOTES: https://darcybenincosa.com/play-it-brave/creating-a-space-for-money
Jan 5, 2023
How many ways do you allow true wealth into your life?
Most people say money in the bank, and yes, that’s one. But what about ALL THE OTHER WAYS TO BE WEALTHY? On the first episode of the 2023 Play It Brave podcast, I’m diving into ALL the ways to bring wealth in your life in preparation for a magical year of...