Jul 28, 2022
I’ve read all the things on the internet about an impending recession. But what if your mindset was RECESSION PROOF. What if your business was so intentional and systematic that no economic event could touch it with a ten foot pole?
Successful people beat the odds all the time. Do you have what it takes to be someone...
Jul 21, 2022
If marketing and sales feel slimy to you, then today’s episode will give you a fresh perspective. Ryan Ray is a former fireman turned world-renowned photographer with a passion for serving his people. He doesn’t rely on formulas or set strategies to grow his business. Instead, he relies on connection, relationships,...
Jul 14, 2022
Ready to raise your prices, but worried about losing your clients and customers? Listen in on this exclusive preview of The Money Map course where I walk you through what you need to do to raise your prices with confidence (and without the bat of an eye from your clients)! Let’s get started.